Quality Policy

The Balconi Group – Valeo Foods Italy proposes the following

Balconi has defined and authorized this document and is making it known and is distributing it to all the company’s subjects, as well as to all those who work on its behalf.

This Policy will also be reviewed at least annually along with the objectives for improvement during the Management Review.

This document is made available to all interested parties.


In order to pursue its quality objectives, Balconi S.p.A. adopts the following basic principles:


In order actualize its environmental policy, Balconi intends to take care of the following:


Balconi is committed to pursuing its business with respect and protection of the interests of all partners with whom it deals. For this reason, all Employees and Suppliers have been informed, through the dissemination of the Code of Ethics, of the rights and duties that define the ethical and social responsibilities of each participant in the company organization. Consequently, Suppliers and Employees working with Balconi are required to comply with the general principles contained in the Code of Ethics, thus avoiding misconduct or conflict of interest.

Through this policy Balconi intends to:

For reports relating to ethical issues you can write to the following address: hr@balconidolciaria.com


By providing human, instrumental and economic resources, Balconi S.p.A. aims to pursue and spread the objectives of improving the safety and health of workers (OSH, Occupational Safety and Health) and related programs, as an integral part of its activities and as a strategic commitment to the more general aims of the company.

In order to pursue said objectives, Balconi S.p.A.:

All the above-listed policies will be included from next year onwards in our SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS POLICY, in line with the objectives set by the United Nations.

Objectives and targets for the coming years:

1) Measuring our level of sustainability.

2) Propose challenging targets for improvement in the course of the operating years 2020-21.
